Professional Certification Program in Management and Entrepreneurship
관리자    2005/11/24 19:06:00
Professional Certification Program in Management and Entrepreneurship


Overview: A four-week learning intensive program built upon key management principles, the Certified Entreprenologist and the Certified VisionEngineer series is unique.

The program is a series of courses designed for on-site deliver UC CDP Center facilities in Daegu.

Program will be 4 weeks in length and will consist of 20 hours of instruction per week, Monday through Friday, for a total of 80 hours.  

The purpose of the program is to provide insight into management techniques and practices thereby allowing the student to gain and/or enhance entrepreneurial skills.  The curriculum will be presented in English at a level that should facilitate understanding of course material.  This also has the added benefit of providing an opportunity for students to use and enhance their English skills.

수료후 특전 :
과정수료자에게는 미국IUE에서 발급한 수료증발급

과정개설시기: 1월첫째주

수업시수: 80시간 (주20시간)


프로그램커리큘럼은 첨부파일참조