관리자    2008/03/12 14:14:41
Academic Connections International
- University of California San Diego

2008년 7월 6일~26일 (3주)
교육장소:캘리포니아주립대학 샌디에고 캠퍼스

2. 비용및 포함내역

USD $4,200
학비,기숙사(미국학생들과 같이 생활,식비포함)
주말 Field Trip비용,의료보험 포함한 모든비용

10학년 (16세~18세)
영어능력은 필수(토플 IBT 100점이상)

4.프로그램 내용
미국학생들과 같이 미국교수들이 강의하는 대학
수업 참가

A Hands-on Introduction to Marine Invertebrates
Astronomy: Galileo’s Reasoning
Behind the Scenes - Theatre
Beneath the Surface: Concepts in Biological
Big Business Versus Health: The Impact of Corporations
on Human Behavior
Cognitive Science: Language Development
Computational Science: The Computer as a Tool
Critical Approach to Social Issues
Critical Approaches to Nonfiction Media Production
Economics for Public Policy
Exploring Youth Subculture
Gray Matters: Brain Function & Neural Plasticity
Intro to Programming with ALICE
Introduction to Anthropology
Life on La Frontera: A Critical Look at the US-Mexico
Mechanical Engineering . Operating at the Interface
between Science and Society
Performing Identity: How “What” We Do Informs
“Who” We Are
Philosophical Approach to “The Good Life”
Photography and Ethnography: Weaving Story from Real
Psychology of Sport: The Mind-Body Connection in
Psychology: A “Real” Science
Statistics: Running the Numbers
The Human Body: Inside and Out
The Way We Live: Humans and the Environment
Theory of Programming Languages
Writing and Reporting the News: A Journalism Practicum

자세한 프로그램내용및 자료는 문의바랍니다.
전화 053-625-6123 또는 cpwon@eucc.or.kr