The overall course objective is to help teachers expand their skills in planning, teaching and evaluating lessons. The course works with teachers to achieve the following goals:
Write clear learning objectives appropriate for students
Identify potential challenges for students - with language and with tasks.
Prepare to address challenges appropriately.
Incorporate an appropriate variety of techniques, focuses (teacher and student roles), and modalities (visual, auditory, kinesthetic).
Create learner-centered activities.
Design activities appropriate to class size, student needs, levels, and interests.
Sequence lessons logically: providing ample meaningful practice, recycling material and ensuring opportunities for assessment.
Set well defined objectives for self as a teacher.
Incorporate appropriate use of input from workshops, English Language Teaching (ELT) materials and resources.
Develop rapport with students and create a respectful, secure, motivating, learner-centered environment.
Use oral and body language appropriate for student level and context: vocabulary, speed, tone and gestures.
Get and act upon feedback from students.
Adjust lesson plans as necessary, while moving toward objectives.
Give clear instructions.
Convey meaning in context clearly and accurately.
Check understanding of language, concepts and tasks.
Clarify form, meaning and use (as appropriate) of the target language in all stages of the lesson.
Respond sensitively, appropriately and respectfully to students equally - in terms of needs, interests and background.
Organize students and space in ways appropriate to activities and in order to foster learner- centered learning.
Effectively manage pair, group and individual work.
Assess student learning and provide appropriate feedback to students on their performance (i.e. error treatment and affirmation).
Incorporate appropriate teacher and student roles for various stages in the lesson.
Discuss how student learning objectives were met with supporting evidence from individual students and from large group behavior
Identify and usefully communicate the significant strengths in a lesson plan and in a lesson in relation to objectives.
Identify internal/external factors which help/hinder your own development as a teacher.
Based on self-reflection or feedback from others (trainers, peers, and students), identify and implement appropriate adjustments to future classes.
Design activities appropriate to class size, student needs, levels, and interests.
Discuss teaching in terms of basic ELT concepts and methodology: learner-centered teaching, lesson planning frameworks, inductive/deductive methods, learning styles and modalities, monitoring, assessment, error treatment strategies, and form / meaning / use / pronunciation aspects of language points.